300ml Full Cream Milk
4 Egg Yolks
100g Brown Sugar
300ml Cream
100ml Rum** (or Canadian Club or whatever)
** 100ml tasted way too strong for us so next time I will try 50ml
Put a saucepan of water on the stove and bring to the boil.
Put the milk in a separate saucepan and place over heat, do not boil.
In a heatproof bowl place the egg yolks and sugar, beat until mixture is pale and thick.
When the milk is hot whisk it slowly into the egg and sugar mixture.
Place the now combined ingredients in the heat proof bowl over the saucepan of now boiling water and heat until the mixture thickens slightly and coats the back of a wooden spoon, about 5 -10 minutes. (when it starts to thicken around the edges slightly this should be enough)
Remove from heat
Place some gladwrap directly on top of the custard mixture to stop a skin forming and leave to cool. I put mine in the fridge.
When cool whisk in the cream and Rum
Then churn in an ice cream maker
Stir in sultanas and place in freezer to harden

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