2 tbsp whole cloves
3.6kg whole juicy tomatoes, choped
1 onion, peeled and chipped
1kg sugar
2 tbsp salt
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
2 cups malt vinegar
tie whole cloves into a small piece of muslin
into a large preserving pan put the cloves, tomatoes, onion, garlic, sugar, salt, cayenne pepper and vinegar, and stir well to mix. bring slowly to the boil stirring regularly until sugar dissolves and then bring to the boil <---this line makes me go, wtf, isn't is already boiling? boil rapidly for about 1 1/2 - 2 hours, stirring occasinally until mixture is thick and pulpy. remove from heat, remove any scum that has formed on top and allow the sauce to cool for about 20 mins. put the sauce through a mouli to remove any pips and skins or puree in a blender and sieve. return to a clean preserving pan and boil. if the sauce is thin, boil, stirring regularly until it is the thickness you desire. bottle the hot sauce into hot, dry, sterile bottles and then seal when cold. makes 6 200ml bottles.
EBB again....Thanks teacup!
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